Duck Boat Safety Enhancement Act of 2019
Senator Josh Hawley (R Missouri) has proposed the “Duck Boat Safety Enhancement Act of 2019”. This Act was introduced into the US Senate a few days ago and is now in Committee. Senator Hawley’s Act, as presently worded, could be taken to apply to all types of Amphibious Personal Vehicles (APV’s as defined by existing USCG regulations) despite a general focus on large, commercial tourist operators (typically the DUKW or Amphi-Terra operators).
The following is a summary of Club concerns and Club actions taken by the Board. Thanks to the IAOC Board, specifically Ed Price and Jim Golomb, for their follow-up and action.
4-22-2019 Situation Overview and Update from Ed Price
4-19-2019 IAOC Letter to Senator Hawley
Hawley Bill (complete)
Hawley Bill Summary: Duck Boat Safety Enhancement Act
November 2016 NTSB Safety Alert
USCG 461127 – Amphibious Vehicle Casualties